Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Heyman Hustles Me Out of Seven Minutes

Heyman Hustles Me Out of Seven Minutes

Insight. Groundbreaking. Changing the face of the planet earth. All claims made going into the Heyman Hustle.

Quick recap: Heyman "breaks the mold" by recording fellow hustlers. Grabs wrestling mark Johnny Fairplay. Hilarity ensues.

Honky Tonk would set Heyman straight: "You owe me money bitch!". That's more like it.

Running around the streets and doing the standard Heyman yell isn't going to get it done. Granted, Paul doing his yelling gimmick in a closed environment may be fun to watch but otherwise shut the fuck up.

I'll give this a couple more episodes for the hell of it. First Rollerball now this. Go back to hustling the boys out of pay Heyman, that's what your good at.


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